Take your Pickleball Game to the Next Level

Engage employs the top instructors in the game.  Check out our Upcoming Camps and also check out the section below on how we can come to you...

 To signup for an upcoming camp CLICK HERE

Upcoming Camps

Have the Engage Pickleball Academy come to your community.

What do we offer?  It's simple—we tailor the clinic or camp to your specific requirements.
  • Multiple clinics over several days.

  • Two days of 6-hour sessions for one group, followed by a third day with clinics for all skill levels.

  • One or two days of teaching, followed by a round robin tournament for your community.

We can deliver our standard programs or customize one to suit your needs. Most engagements are a hybrid of our standard events and customized ones, creating the perfect experience.

What makes us different?

  • Top Instructors: Our instructors are elite pro-level players who have undergone rigorous training to become exceptional teachers.

  • Experience: Our instructors are seasoned professionals with extensive teaching experience. If they are not experienced in teaching other sports, they must have at least ten years of Pickleball teaching experience to join our team.

  • Certification: All our instructors are certified, ensuring the highest standards of teaching excellence.

  • Personality: Our instructors are not only skilled but also outgoing and engaging, making the learning experience enjoyable.

  • Energy: Our instructors are passionate about teaching and bring energy and enthusiasm to every session, from the first hour of the first day to the last hour of the third day.

When you're ready to bring our expertise to your community, contact our Training Event Coordinator at linda@engagepickleball.com to schedule your next Pickleball experience.